Pages authored by Robin F. Rupp:
Data Sets /
Clay Thickness
A variety of fine-grained unconsolidated sediments are found beneath the surface of Marion County. They are commonly, but somewhat misleadingly, called “clay” in water-well records and engineering reports, even though the actual clay content seldom exceeds 20 or 25 percent. -
Data Sets /
DEM Terrain
A representation of the elevation of the land surface of Marion County can be viewed in a digital elevation model (DEM) such as the one displayed in the interactive map portion of this website (fig. 1). A DEM is a raster data set containing elevation data in a closely spaced grid pattern. -
Data Sets /
iLITH Database
iLITH is an Indiana Geological and Water Survey (IGWS) database containing information from water-well records provided by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), Division of Water. These records contain both locational and lithologic data edited by the IGWS (Brown and others, 2000). -
Geology /
Glacial Geology
The central Indiana landscape is primarily a product of the Pleistocene Epoch of the Quaternary Period, or Ice Age, a period of widespread continental glaciation in which the temperate northern latitudes were repeatedly invaded by large ice sheets. -
Geology /
Hydrogeologic Framework
Hydrogeology is the study of groundwater and its interaction with the geologic framework, landscape, surface-water bodies, and the human environment. It is both a qualitative and quantitative science having many applications to the modern environment. -
Geology /
Surficial Geology
Northern Indiana was repeatedly covered by continental ice sheets during the past one million years or so, which produced a thick section of unconsolidated sediments that mantle the bedrock to depths as great as 500 ft. -
Geology /
Water-Table Elevation
Residents of Allen County rely heavily on groundwater in the underlying strata for drinking water, irrigation, and industrial uses. -
Data Sets /
DEM Terrain
A representation of the elevation of the land surface within Allen County, Indiana, can be viewed in great detail in a digital elevation model (DEM) such as the one displayed in the interactive map portion of this website and in fig. 1. A digital elevation model is raster data containing individual elevations in a closely spaced grid pattern.